Apply for scholarships today!

Scholarships can help you pay for tuition or reduce significantly the cost of your education.

Imperial Valley PEO Reciprocity Scholarship

Eligibility: This scholarship will be awarded to Imperial Valley women attending high school who will be accepted to a four-year university/college or a community college/trade school.

Special consideration will be given to women studying any field of Agriculture, but will not be limited only to that field.

Number of Scholarships offered: Multiple scholarships awarded up to $1,000 each.

Deadline: March 15, 2025

SCAG Scholarship Program


Residency: Must be a resident within the SCAG region (i.e., Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, or Ventura counties, or on Tribal lands within the SCAG region) and be eligible to work in the United States.

School Enrollment: Must be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled in a two-year community college in the SCAG region. Graduating high school seniors must enroll in higher education (i.e., two- or four-year college or university) immediately following graduation from high school (i.e., no gap year).

GPA Minimum: Candidates must have a 3.0 grade point average or higher (based on a 4.0, unweighted scale).

Other requirements: Students may be asked to submit proof of eligibility to work in the United States if selected as a recipient. Successful recipients may be asked to provide a picture and quote to publicize SCAG’s Scholarship Program.

Number of Scholarships offered: Nine (9) $4,000 Scholarships

Deadline: Applications are due electronically Friday, March 21, 2025 by 5:00 PM


Andy & Natalie Erickson Scholarship Fund


-Graduating seniors and graduates of Imperial Valley high schools with a minimum 3.0 GPA who are, or were formerly, in the Foster Care system for two or more years, and are attending a 4-year College or University

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Ben and Loretta Abatti Scholarship Fund


-Graduating seniors and graduates of Imperial Valley high schools who will be, or are, attending a 4-year College or University pursuing a degree/career in Agriculture and have a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Cameron Family Scholarship Fund


-Graduating seniors of Brawley Union High School & previous recipients of the Cameron Family Scholarship
-Pursuing a 4-year degree in Animal Science and/or Veterinary Science
-Attending a two or four-year College or University full-time (12+ units)
-With a minimum 2.5 GPA

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

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Fareed-Tyson Medical Arts Scholarship Fund


  • Students who are enrolled in a medical arts program at San Diego State University – Imperial Valley, Imperial Valley College, or a certified vocational/trade program located in Imperial County.

  • Applicants must also be a current resident of and have lived in Imperial County for at least five years.

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Kevin McFadden Memorial Scholarship Fund


Graduating seniors of Central Union High School and Southwest High School who participated in Varsity athletics, and will be attending a 2 or 4-year College or University, or other post-secondary school (including trade/vocational schools)

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

John Elmore Family Scholarship Fund


-Graduating seniors and graduates of Brawley Union High School (BUHS)
-Pursuing a 4-year degree
-Attending a 2 or 4-year College or University
-Students interested in pursuing a degree/career related to Agriculture (preferred but not required)
-Students who may plan on returning to the Imperial Valley after completing their 4-year degree

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

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Joe Maruca Memorial Scholarship


-Graduating seniors of Central Union High School, Imperial High School and Southwest High School
-Planning to attend a 2 or 4-year College or University
-Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (unweighted)

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

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Margaret Lassey Nursing Scholarship Fund


-To be eligible an applicant must be accepted in the nursing program at Imperial Valley College or other medical programs acceptable to the Scholarship Committee.
-Only GPA of 3.0 or better will be considered.

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

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Mary Harmon Scholarship Fund


  • Graduating high school seniors that live in and attend school in Imperial Valley and are active members of 4-H in good standing.

  • Applicants who will be attending an accredited institution of post-secondary education or vocational training in the United States in a program that has a duration of at least three quarter terms or two semester terms.

  • Note: Applicants will interview with the scholarship selection committee as part of the application process.

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

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Mary Owen Memorial Scholarship Fund


-Graduating seniors of Brawley Union High School, Central Union High School, and Southwest High School
-Attending a 4-year College or University full-time (12+ units)
-Who have demonstrated Academic Merit, Student Achievement, Community Service, and Leadership

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Munoz Family Scholarship Fund


-Graduating seniors of Holtville High School who will be attending a 4-year College or University and have a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Ray Family College Scholarship Program Fund


This scholarship opportunity is limited to graduates of Calipatria High School in pursuit of 2-year, 4-year, or graduate degrees. The Ray Family College Scholarship Program consists of two separate opportunities. Applicants are asked to submit the application that most closely meets their goals and plans as follows:

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

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Sherry Cowie Scholarship Fund

Eligibility: Graduating seniors of Brawley Union High School, Calipatria High School, and Desert Valley High School who have a GPA of 2.9 or above, and will be attending Imperial Valley College.

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

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Mark Riley Memorial Scholarship Fund


-Graduating seniors of Central Union High School
-Pursuing a 4-year degree
-Attending a four-year College or University
-With a minimum GPA of 3.0
-The scholarship criteria will include consideration for:
Students interested in pursuing a degree/career related to Advertising or Marketing (preferred, but not required)

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

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2025 Imperial County Farm Bureau Scholarships

Eligibility: Imperial County residents who have chosen a field of study that supports their goal of an agriculture-related career.

Number of Scholarships offered: Not Listed

Deadline: April 4, 2025

MANA de Imperial Valley College & University Scholarship


• Be a student who is committed to supporting the mission of MANA de Imperial Valley
• Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent)
• Have plans to transfer to a four-year U.S. accredited institution or technical college for the 2024-2025 academic school year
• Community service/school activities involvement

Number of Scholarships offered: 3 Scholarships, up to $1,000

Deadline: April 4, 2025

Imperial County Teachers Uniserv (CTA)

Eligibility :

High School graduating seniors who are attending a public high school, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, permanent residence within Imperial County, and will pursue further education or vocational training after high school.

Number of Scholarships offered: Not Listed

Deadline: April 10, 2025 by 5:00 PM

Region 18 Association of California School Administrators
San Diego County School Boards Association
Student Scholarship


Imperial County High School students who have been accepted to a four-year university/college or students planning to attend Imperial Valley Community College. This application applies only to students enrolled in a public comprehensive or continuation high school setting.

Number of Scholarships offered: Two (2) $500 Comprehensive School and one (1) $500 Continuation School Scholarship

Deadline: April 11, 2025

Kiwanis Club of El Centro Education Scholarship


-Graduating seniors of Southwest High School, Central Union High School, Desert Oasis High School, and Imperial High School

Number of Scholarships offered: $500

Deadline: April 15, 2025

The Pastel Society of the West Coast Art Scholarship


The successful candidate should be planning to pursue a career in art

• Must be a high school senior, or college freshman, sophomore, or junior

enrolled in a junior or four-year accredited college or university with

enrollment in an art class.

• Must submit digital photos of hand drawn or painted, original artwork created

by the student (no photography or digital work accepted)

• Must be recommended by an art teacher, counselor or PSWC member

• Must submit the online application, an artist statement and a portfolio

Number of Scholarships offered: Not Listed

Deadline: April 15, 2025

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Foundation for Education Scholarship


Must be a high school senior enrolled in:

• an alternative education/continuation school,

• OR Imperial Pathways Charter School,

• OR a regular High School - must have an Active 504 Plan or IEP (student with disabilities),

• OR a regular High School - must have been referred by WomanHaven or another agency supporting victims of domestic violence.

• Must be a resident of Imperial County.

• Must attend a community college, university or career technical institution as an entering freshman the Fall after high school graduation.

Number of Scholarships offered: Several at $500 each.

Deadline: Thursday, April 17, 2025 by 5:00 PM

Anderson Family Foundation Community Service Scholarship

Eligibility :

1. Graduating Senior from Brawley Union High School, Brawley, CA
2. Acceptance to a four-year university pursuing a bachelor's degree
3. Community service

Number of Scholarships offered: Two (2) $1,000 Scholarships

Deadline: Applications must be postmarked or emailed (PDF format) by April 18, 2025

Claddagh Club

The Imperial Valley Irish American Club Educational Scholarship 2025


-U.S. Citizen
-Be a graduating High School Senior from an Imperial Valley High School
-Minimum 3.5 GPA
-Planning to attend college in Fall 2025

Number of Scholarships offered:

Up to Six (6) $1,000 Scholarships

Deadline: Saturday, April 19, 2025

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California Retired Teachers Association of Imperial Valley Scholarship

Eligibility :

- The applicant must be going to Imperial Valley College.
- The applicant’s major must be in the Field of Education.
- The applicant must be a graduating senior enrolled in an Imperial
Valley High School.

-Have a 3.0 or higher GPA

-Three letters of reference, Official transcript, and a Personal essay

Number of Scholarships offered: (2) scholarships of $500.00 each.

Deadline: Completed applications must be returned to school counselor by: April 25, 2025


William D. Presley and Leon Brandt Memorial Scholarship

A program of Imperial Valley Masonic Lodge No. 390

Eligibility :

• Imperial Valley Masonic Lodge No. 390 will award one scholarship to qualified students with a current GPA of 3.25 (or higher) who enroll in and have been accepted to an accredited career technical school, community college, university, or a United States Military Academy.

Number of Scholarships offered: One at $1,000

Deadline: May 2, 2025

Roger W. Price Scholarship A program of Imperial Valley Masonic Lodge No. 390

Eligibility :

• qualified high school students pursuing majors in the fields of Science, Psychology, or Medicine for the purpose of improving human health (including students majoring in Emergency Medicine for the purpose of becoming a Paramedic or Emergency Medical Technician, and students majoring in Radiology, Surgery Technology, or Nursing).

Number of Scholarships offered: One at $1,000

Deadline: May 2, 2025

Justin Michael Denault 2024 Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility :

- Open to all Imperial High School Graduating Seniors

Number of Scholarships offered: $1,000.00

Deadline: May 15, 2024

Justin Denault Memorial FFA Scholarship

Eligibility :

- Open to Imperial FFA Chapter Seniors

Number of Scholarships offered: $1,000.00

Deadline: May 3, 2024

Cruickshank Scholarship

Eligibility :

- Graduates of Meadows Union School ONLY

Number of Scholarships offered: $300.00

Deadline: May 15, 2024

2024 Bomberos de San Diego Scholarship

Eligibility :

for deserving high school seniors who may meet the following criteria:

  • Academic excellence: copy of high school transcript

  • Accepted to college, university or trade school: proof of acceptance

  • Financial need: copy of 2022 W2

  • Community service oriented: description of activities/duties

Number of Scholarships offered: $1,000

Deadline: June 10, 2024

North County Coalition for the Arts Patricia Shreves Saracco Lang Educational Arts Scholarship

Eligibility :

  • Applicant must be a current High School senior in Imperial County

  • Applicant must maintain a minimum of 3.0 overall grade point average

  • Applicant demonstrates a talent or potential in the area of visual or performing arts

Number of Scholarships offered: Varies

Deadline: May 17, 2024


Associated Calexico Teachers (ACT) 2023 Scholarship


✔ Graduating Calexico High School Senior

✔ 3.0 GPA

✔ Parents are members of ACT

Number of Scholarships offered: Amounts vary depending upon applications

Deadline: Monday, May 20, 2024

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Imperial Valley Breakfast Rotary Club College Scholarship


  • Graduating Imperial High School Senior

Number of Scholarships offered: 1ST Place award: $3,000 ($750 per year for 4 years)

2nd Place award: $2,000 ($500 per year for 4 years)

3rd Place award: $1,000 ($250 per year for 4 years)

Deadline: Friday, May 10, 2024

Blue Knights Chapter X 2024 Justin Denault Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility :

• Open for all Imperial Valley High Schools students pursing higher education in one of the Law and Justice Fields; Law Enforcement, Forensics, Criminal Justice and Pre-Law

Number of Scholarships offered: One at $1,000

Deadline: May 15, 2024

Blue Knights 2024 Scholarship

Eligibility :

• Open for all Imperial Valley High Schools students pursing higher education in in the law enforcement field.

• scholarships may also be applied to attend a basic law enforcement academy

Number of Scholarships offered: Two at $500

Deadline: May 15, 2024

American Business Women's Association Scholarship


-Must be a female U.S. citizen
-Must be a resident of the Coachella Valley or Imperial County
-Enrolled in Sept 2024 to attend College of the Desert or an accredited Community College, Vocational or Technical School in Riverside County or Imperial County.

Number of Scholarships offered: (2) $1,000 Scholarships

Deadline: May 15, 2024

Imperial Valley College Foundation Scholarships

Eligibility: Imperial County high school seniors and current IVC students who will be attending IVC in the upcoming Fall semester

Number of Scholarships offered: Variety of scholarships with various amounts

Deadline: April 30, 2024

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2024 Behavioral Health Scholarship Program


  • If awarded, recipients agree to a twelve (12) month service obligation practicing in an eligible healthcare profession, providing a minimum of 32 hours per week of direct care in an underserved community.

Number of Scholarships offered: up to $35,000 is available for undergraduate applicants

Deadline: May 24, 2024

2024 Wellness Coach Scholarship Program


  • Open to students enrolled or accepted into an associate or bachelor's level program in the fields of social work, addiction studies, or human services at a California college or university starting in the 2024-25 academic year.

Number of Scholarships offered: Eligible applicants may receive up to $35,000

Deadline: May 24, 2024

El Centro Education Foundation Jimmie Cannon Visual and Performing Arts Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility :

• A CUHS, SHS, or DO Senior who plans to attend a University, a Community College or a Technical /Vocational school following high school graduation.

• Must be a Visual and/or Performing Arts Major/Minor

• Submit an unofficial transcript.

• One (1) Letter of recommendation written specifically for scholarship purposes.

• Completed application form.

• Essay response or Tik Tok, Instagram or YouTube video of your performance or artwork. An online portfolio of your artwork is also acceptable.

Number of Scholarships offered: One at $2,000

Deadline: April 9, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. (Submitted to your Counselor)

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Imperial County Agricultural Benefit Scholarship Program 2024

Eligibility & Participation Requirements for Vocational, Trade or Technical Students

  • Must be pursuing a certificate for support of the agricultural industry.

  • Must obtain a high school diploma or GED from an Imperial County School.

  • Must be attending a vocational, trade or technical school full time.

Eligibility & Participation Requirements for University and College Students

  • Must be pursuing a degree in agriculture or a closely related field. Major or course of study must be in the program or college of agriculture. The type of career or job goals will not be considered for eligibility.

  • Must obtain a high school diploma or GED from an Imperial County School.

  • Must be attending a university or college full time.

  • Must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.

Number of Scholarships offered: $150,000 is approved annually for student scholarships where students can be awarded up to $3,000.

Deadline: April 10, 2024

Raymond M. Peterson Scholarship


-Funds of the Peterson Scholarship are to be used for the educational purposes of men and women who are planning a career or are presently working in a child development program, the field of developmental disabilities, or related fields.

-Scholarships are available for students who are San Diego and/or Imperial County residents and who plan to remain in the area to work.

-To be eligible for scholarships, applicants must demonstrate a financial need.

Number of Scholarships offered: A maximum of $3,000 per applicant may be awarded.

Deadline: NOON on April 5th, 2024

Rockwood Ag Services Scholarship


✓ Students attending any high school/college in Imperial County (CA): senior high school students, full-time Imperial Valley College students, and/or four-year college or university students from Imperial County.

✓ Majoring or having an interest in the field of agriculture including Ag Business, agronomy, entomology, soils, or related fields with the objective of a career in pest management, agronomy, plant breeding or farming.

✓ Minimum GPA 3.5

Number of Scholarships offered: 2 at $1,000

Deadline: Postmark must be no later than Thursday, March 28th, 2024

Los Vigilantes Scholarship


-Cover Letter + Contact Information

-1 full page of autobiography

-High School Transcript

-1 Letter of recommendation

-Acceptance letter to University/College

Number of Scholarships offered: 6 Scholarships

Deadline: April 15, 2024

CMWF Heritage Foundation Scholarship


● Imperial County high school student, and

● Applicants must be or have been enrolled in FFA, 4H, Independent or ROP

program(s) and

● Academic Performance (minimum 2.5 GPA), and

● Will be attending a continuing education program, and

● Have a letter of recommendation in a sealed envelope from an FFA instructor,

4-H advisor/leader, or ROP instructor, and

● Have a letter of recommendation in a sealed envelope from a non-family person

who is familiar with your character, work ethic, ambitions, and

● Follow directions. Applicants who do not submit a completed packet will be

automatically disqualified.

Number of Scholarships offered: Awards can range from $100 to $1000.

Deadline: April 1, 2024

Wildcat Women Scholarship

Eligibility :

- Graduating senior women from the Brawley Union High School District

Number of Scholarships offered: (4) up to $1,000

Deadline: Friday, April 19, 2024


El Centro Education Foundation University Scholarship and Community College/Vocational School Student Scholarships

Eligibility :

• Central Union, Southwest or Desert Oasis High School Seniors who plan to attend a University, a Community College or a Technical/Vocational
school following high school graduation
• Must have a competitive GPA

Number of Scholarships offered: $750 – Community College / Vocational School
$1500 – Four-Year University / College

Deadline: April 9, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. (Submitted to your Counselor)


The Imperial Valley Regional Occupational Program Community Foundation Scholarship

Eligibility: -Must be currently enrolled in High School

-Must be a resident of the Imperial Valley

-Must be enrolled in a career technical school, community college, or university as an entering freshman at either a physical school location or an online location

-Must apply in only one of the five types of scholarships awards (Scholastic Achievement, Exemplary Community Involvement, IVROP/Career Technical Education (CTE) Student, General and Empowerment Youth).

Number of Scholarships offered: Various between $1,000 and $500 each

Deadline: March 22, 2024 before 5pm

Tenaska Scholarship


-Must be a 2024 graduating high school senior from a participating public secondary school who plans to attend a two- or four-year post-secondary education program at an accredited institution.

-Family members of Tenaska employees are not eligible to receive scholarship funds from this program.

Number of Scholarships offered: One $2,000

Deadline: Friday, February 16, 2024

EDCF 2023 Locher Agricultural Scholarship - Imperial County

Eligibility :

* Member of FFA and/ or 4-H for a minimum of three years
* Graduating from an Imperial County High School
* Pursuing an agriculture related major at accredited 2-year or 4-year college/ university or vocational school. Agricultural related field or specialized training program whose work is advancing efforts to improve agricultural systems including, but not limited to the studies of science, business, technology of plant and animal production, engineering, biology, energy, environmental science, and natural resources management.

Number of Scholarships offered: 1 (one) $5,500 scholarship to be paid in three installments of $2,000 Freshman year, $2,000 Sophomore year and $1,500Junior year.

Deadline: March 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM PDT (Midnight)

Imperial Valley Vegetable Growers Association

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Eligibility: Imperial Valley students attending a four-year college and who are pursuing careers in agriculture through a recognized agricultural major.

Number of Scholarships offered: Various scholarships in the range of $500 to $1,500

Deadline: April 5, 2024 by 5pm

Sam Sharp Memorial Scholarship Fund


-Graduating seniors of the Central Union High School District
-Pursuing a 4-year degree
-Attending a four-year College or University
-With a minimum GPA of 3.0
-The scholarship criteria will include consideration for:
Students interested in pursuing a degree/career related to Education (preferred, but not required)

Number of Scholarships offered: Award amounts vary.

Deadline: April 12, 2024

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Imperial County Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business Scholarship


• Imperial Valley students who are attending or plan to pursue higher education either in a field of study related to either labor, agriculture, or business

Number of Scholarships offered: Various scholarships in the range of $250 to $1,500

Deadline: mailed by 5pm, April 5, 2024

Sun Community Federal Credit Union

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• Be a 2024 high school graduate attending college, university, vocational, or technical school in Fall of 2024

• GPA of 3.0 or better

• Be a member of Sun Community Federal Credit Union.

Number of Scholarships offered: Varies

Deadline: Friday, April 19, 2024

Calexico Educational Foundation Student Scholarship

Eligibility :

Calexico High School and/or Aurora High School Graduates. One application for 21 Scholarships (each scholarship has its own unique requirements , please click on the application to view each one individually) Scholarships available include:
• Academic Achievement Scholarships
• Continuing Education Scholarships
• Arlette Zazueta Memorial Scholarship
• Calexico Rotary Club Scholarship
• Coach Elmer Belcher, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
• Elsie Corda Claverie Memorial Scholarship
• Emily Palacio Scholarship
• Frank & Virginia Moreno Memorial Scholarship
• Gil Perez Memorial Scholarship Calexico Rotary Club
• Harry Orfanos Memorial Scholarship
• Coach Jesus Rojas Memorial Scholarship
• John & Marie Anderson Scholarship
• John Moreno Scholarship
• LTC Carl A. Vindiola Memorial Scholarship
• Medina Family Scholarship
• Michael & Susana Castillo Scholarship
• Nancy Castillo Scholarship
• Peter and Elena Castro Scholarship
• Yair Corenel Scholarship
• Vocational Scholarship
• Wendz Family Technical Career Scholarship

Number of Scholarships offered: Amounts vary per scholarship.

Deadline: TBD


The Elks National Foundation MVS (Most Valuable Student) Scholarship


  • Current high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply.

  • Applicants do not need to be related to a member of the Elks.

  • High school graduates are not eligible to apply.

  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are submitted; permanent legal resident status does not qualify.

Number of Scholarships offered: 500 national winners. Awards range from $1,000 per year to $7,500 per year. MVS scholarships are for students pursuing a four-year degree, on a full-time basis (minimum of 12 semester hours), in a U.S. college or university.

Deadline: The 2024 application deadline is November 13, 2023 at 11:59 p.m., Pacific Time.

California Beet Growers Association Scholarship

Eligibility :

- Recipient shall have graduated from or be scheduled to graduate from a High School located in Imperial County.
- Recipient shall be committed to pursuing a bachelor’s degree in agriculture, including but not limited to ag economics, ag education, animal science, plant science, or entomology.

Number of Scholarships offered: (1) at $1,000

Deadline: Mail applications, supporting materials and essays, postmarked no later than April 30, 2023.

El Toro Land & Cattle Scholarship Heber Community Student Scholarship

Eligibility :

• Heber Residents and/or graduates from Heber School District; and/or proof of Heber residency.
• Community involvement in school or service organizations.
• Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent).

Number of Scholarships offered: Various

Deadline: May 5, 2023 - (mail or drop off to El Toro Land & Cattle)

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California Women For Agriculture Scholarship Program

Eligibility: Must be a female resident or high school graduate from Imperial County.

1) Must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree, or a degree from an accredited trade school in agriculture or related subject area with the intention to pursue a career within the agriculture industry. This
scholarship is only for undergraduate degrees and trade schools.
2) If applicant is in high school when applying, they must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
3) If the applicant is enrolled in a college or trade school when applying, they must have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher.
4) While not a requirement, applicants are encouraged to also demonstrate financial need, scholastic ability,
achievements and community service preferably in agriculture-related activities. Additionally, if an applicant's parent(s) are employed in an agriculture related field of work, please also note in your application.
5) Finalists must be available to participate in an interview with the IVCWA Scholarship Committee to discuss
questions related to California agriculture during the latter part of April. The student(s) selected to receive the
scholarship(s) will be notified in May.
6) Proof of enrollment or work in progress and verification of units will be necessary prior to receiving the award for the 2022 - 2023 academic year. All funds will be distributed directly to the school and the recipient must provide IVCWA the required information within one year of the scholarship award notification.

Number of Scholarships offered: The monetary amount of the scholarships awarded may vary depending on IVCWA annual resources and applicant pool

Deadline: Friday, April 7, 2023



  • Be currently enrolled in high school and graduating in the spring of 2024

  • Must have a minimum unweighted 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale or 7.5 on a 10.0 scale

  • Must enroll at an accredited higher education institution in 2024-2025

  • Be of Hispanic heritage (includes Spain, Brazil, Philippines)

  • If selected, attendance to virtual regional awards ceremony is mandatory

Number of Scholarships offered: Youth Award recipients will receive up to a $4,000 educational grant depending on the selected category to use for their college education or to fund a community service effort.

Deadline: November 13, 2023

AEP San Diego Chapters - Diversity in the Environmental Profession Student Scholarship


The San Diego Chapter of AEP will accept applications from incoming or current high school juniors or seniors with an emphasis on BIPOC students attending any high school in San Diego or Imperial County who are interested in pursuing a college/university education in environmentally related topics to support a future career in environmental work. Applicants must also have a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Number of Scholarships offered: various $1,000 scholarships

Deadline: September 8, 2023

The Gates Scholarship


  • A high school senior

  • From at least one of the following ethnicities: African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian & Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American

  • Pell-eligible

  • A US citizen, national, or permanent resident

  • In good academic standing with a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) 

Additionally, a student must plan to enroll full-time, in a four-year degree program, at a US accredited, not-for-profit, private or public college or university.

Number of Scholarships offered: Scholars will receive funding for the full cost of attendance* that is not already covered by other financial aid and the expected family contribution, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the methodology used by a Scholar’s college or university.

*Cost of attendance includes tuition, fees, room, board, books, and transportation, and may include other personal costs.

Deadline: September 15

Out of County Scholarships

Here’s a link to additional scholarships from organizations outside of Imperial County.

Eligibility: Varies

Deadlines: Vary